Infertility is a pervasive issue that affects many couples around the world. It can be defined as the inability to conceive children despite regular, unprotected sexual intercourse for more than 12 months. Infertility is a common problem that can occur due to several factors, including age, lifestyle habits, genetics, and medical conditions.

On the popular television series “Sex In The City”, two of the characters had trouble getting pregnant and went to go see an acupuncturist. It seems the characters knew something that many people having trouble getting pregnant may not know – acupuncture can improve the outcome of in vitro fertilization.
Infertility affects both men and women equally. In women, infertility may arise due to issues related to ovulation or structural problems in the reproductive system. In men, infertility may be caused by low sperm count, poor sperm motility or abnormal sperm shape. Additionally, some underlying medical conditions such as endometriosis or polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) could also contribute towards infertility.
Acupuncture Can Help with Infertility
A controlled random clinical study at the IVF center at the University of Witten/Herdecke in Germany examined 225 people undergoing in vitro fertilization. One group of 116 patients received acupuncture according to the principles of traditional Chinese medicine. The second group of 109 people received placebo acupuncture. The treatment group had a significantly higher clinical pregnancy rate than the placebo group.
Another study, conducted at a fertility clinic in Denmark found that the pregnancy rate was significantly higher when women received acupuncture compared to a control group who received no acupuncture. The researchers concluded that acupuncture improved the outcome of in vitro fertilization.
Ask Dr. XiPing Zhou about the 10 phases comprehensive acupuncture program for infertility which can be started before and after IVF and IUI.
You will learn:
- How your lifestyle and diet can affect fertility
- How herbal supplements can be more effective than commonly prescribed drugs
- How acupressure fertility massage can affect your body’s reproductive organs.
- How deep breathing exercises like qigong can increase the flow of oxygen to your body and help increase fertility.
- How the method and frequency of acupuncture can regulate estrogen hormone production, reduce FSH levels, treat POCs before and after egg and embryo transfer, and increase implantation success rates
- How to decrease your chances of miscarriage
Dr. XiPing Zhou has had great success using acupuncture to help with infertility. Please complete our free online consultation form or call Dr. Zhou today.